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Pretty fun concept -- a couple notes:
It would be nice to have a setting to reduce the CRT shader/noise. it's a bit much on my eyes.

Controls dont always feel intuitive.

It's honestly pretty hard to make the recipes, your screen gets cluttered if you are not getting the right things, and orders come so quick. 

Keep up the work though, it feels like a more structured version of that fruit game all the streamers were playing awhile back, and I like where it is going. :D

Thank you for playing!

A Setting to turn off the CRT is scheduled for the game soon. I should have a bunch of visual options to change it to how you want it.

As for the controls, do you have any suggestions? What makes it less intuitive?

As for the difficulty, I agree that it can be hard which is why you have 4 lives and cash carry over. However I plan to have it so not all 3 customers will want the same dish, which should relieve this issue. As I found sometimes all three customers will want pizza and all you are getting are stuff for burgers or fries. 

Again thank you for playing and the feedback as it truly helps! If you have any other suggestions don't be afraid to throw them my way.