Here's a huge update for CROAK CAFE: FROM POND TO PLATE 

New Round Mode;

When beginning Single player, you will get given an amount of money to earn and a set time to achieve it. If completed, you will move onto the next round with a larger amount of money to earn, but with the previous cash carried over. So if you have a bad round, a previous round could save you.


You can now place an ingredient in storage and use it for later, simply press F and the ingredient will move to a slot below 'Next ingredient' If you want to use it, press F again and it will switch to your current ingredient


Here is our little ball of trash! (Yet to have a name)  Once a dish in your cooking box, it will begin to flash and unless delivered, will now turn into a small ball of trash. To remove trash, make matches to fill up the trash meter(Only if trash is in the box), and when full, press Shift to remove any trash in the box

Life System

You now have 3 lives in a run, you lose a life by failing to meet the cash quota, or ingredients going above the red line. Once all 3 lives are gone, you lose.


There are now settings to adjust music, sound fxs, and overall master of the audio. You can find it in the main menu settings or pause menu settings in-game.

Smaller fixes;

  •  Can't move ingredients when 'Serve the customers' appear
  •  Timer only begins once 'Serve the customers' disappears
  •  Sound effect for the timer if an ingredient is above the red line
  • Timer will now flash at 20 seconds remaining, to give you a warning.
  • Cash symbol will change colour in addition to the currency
  • Added shadows behind the frogs/backgrounds
  •  New frog customer
  • Made the game more vibrant via post processing
  • Added a sound when the clock ticks down if an ingredient is above the red line
  • The money you earn from serving isn't based on the meter anymore, but will range between 15 and 35$
  • New background behind recipes, cash and timer. Swapped text 'Pizza, Fries, Burger' to images to make it easier to comprehend. 
  • More backgrounds throughout the playthrough
  • Glitch vfx works during pause menu
  • Cash text appears with smoke, showing how much money they've given you


    May 25, 2024

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